Granna Judy Meets Dear Jane (R)

A chronicle of my Dear Jane (R) journey

Location: upstate New York, United States

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

A-4: Courtney's Stethoscope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Finished another block! Craig, Colorado, is turning out to be a pretty productive place! These are so much fun -- kind of like popcorn. Here's today's block -- Courtney's Stethoscope. It's a cutie, isn't it? I wish the plus sign in the center were really in the center, and I'm not sure yet what I did wrong to get it off kilter, but I can live with it, at least for a while. If it bothers me when I've finished ALL the blocks, then I'll re-do it. But somehow I think it won't!

The back is pretty good too -- amazing how these tiny little pieces work so well together. When I first thought of doing a Baby Jane, I didn't think I could handle the little pieces, but so far it's going pretty well. I love doing it by hand.

So -- new numbers, and on to the next block! Hunter Husband got his mule deer last night, so we'll be moving on tomorrow morning, heading toward Wyoming and then North Dakota before we head home. I hope I can find time in the next place to continue on my Journey with Jane.

Judy-Jane in Craig, Colorado
Humility Jane, 4-0-0-92


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